Allows acquisition of GNSS data with internal antenna, magnetic field strength and direction, and barometric pressure via Cyphal/CAN interface.
This board has 3 types of sensors:
- GNSS module: ZED-F9P
- Barometer: BMP280
- Magnetometer: RM3100
Node supports both Cyphal and UAVCAN interfaces. Compatible with PX4 and Ardupilot-based autopilots.
More information:
Note that RaccoonLab GPS-MAG-BARO v3.1 ships with a JST 4-pin 0.5m cable but without any other cables. Please add the necessary cable set to your order manually. It comes with Cyphal firmware by default. If you want UAVCAN firmware, please add a note on the cart page.
Node has main (measurement) and auxiliary (status, info, etc) functions. The board has an internal LED indicator of the current status.

GNSS-MAG-BARO with internal antenna v3.1